Frequently Asked Questions


At Southern Maine Swim Academy, we understand that you may have a lot of questions and we’re here to answer all of them. If you do not find the answer to what you are looking for below, please feel free to reach out directly.

Answers to Our Most Popular Questions

  • Yes, the more opportunities the student has in the water, the better they will be with their skills, self rescue and safety.

  • Registration fees are due the first time you sign up. Registration fee will not be due for future class enrollments.

  • No, all parents and guardians must stay during the students class for observation and/or take their child if they need to use the restroom. If a parent/guardian leaves, the child will have to sit out of lessons.

  • Yes, a lot of children will resist new environments or feel shy towards new teachers. This is normal and to be expected, consistency will help with your students' new experience and becoming more comfortable.

  • Just their towel! Floats are discouraged. Please make sure they are ready to get into the water at the time of their class. All sunblock and bathroom runs should be done before arriving. No goggles, no hats, no water wings, just your student in their swimsuit.

  • Weather will be assessed the day of. In the event of light rain; classes will continue. In the event of thunderstorms; class will be canceled. There are no refunds for classes canceled due to weather.

  • Yes the pool is kept around 80-85 degrees.

  • If a student is unable to follow directions or listen to their swim instructors their parent/guardian may be asked to assist in the pool. If a student behaves in a fashion that could be deemed unsafe to them or their peers they will be required to leave class. If a student is sent home three times they will not be allowed back for the rest of the session. No refunds will be given.

  • Parent/Guardian’s are responsible for their students both inside and outside of the pool. Parent/Guardian’s will be respectful to teachers and other parents. Parent/Guardian’s will NOT leave property during their student’s class. Due to limited parking, all Parent/Guardian’s will be asked to leave promptly to allow for incoming Parent/Guardian’s a place to park.

  • Classes are 35 minutes with ten minutes between classes.

  • There will be an ADA Porta Potty available to swimmers and their families. Bathrooms in the child care building on property will NOT be open to public/swimmers.

  • There is space for a max of 10 students per class with 2-3 instructors.

  • Yes, private lessons are available.


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